Charlie, The Caterpillar "A Journey to the Heart"

I am exhilarated about this new project my inner spirit and higher self has rewarded me. After going through a major life transition (moving to another state and going through the "out of nest" chapter of my life) I finally heard a small voice inside say, "I want an original idea of my own! I want to write and illustrate an original story!" So I meditated and prayed and then let it go. Finally the day came. I was unaware that my whole life has been leading me to this very moment. So when the story popped into of my head, I shouted with pure joy!

I have always admired and collected things with the butterfly symbol. I think everyone adores the butterfly and it is well known around the world to be the symbol of transformation . What better symbol, right? A caterpillar going within its cocoon and emerging with majestic wings. But I think few realize that it is the caterpillar that does all the work and transformation.

Although I didn't know it at the time, I feel like this story reflects my life's journey. It is as if it is coming through as a direct conversation with my higher self. The funny thing is that the story is set up as a conversation and life review of caterpillar with his higher self. When the name, Charlie, popped into my mind, it occurred to me that my high school friend used to call me Charlie.

Life is such an amazing journey.

"We truly are the dreamer of dreams."