Song by Frou Frou… is speaking to me.
“So let go
And jump in
Oh well whatcha waiting for
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
(So let go) yeah let go
And just get in
Oh it's so amazing here
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown.”
I love this song and I love Imogen Heap!
This video was created by my daughter, Mary Kathryn when she was a young teenager.
She used the Frou Frou song, “Let Go”, as the music to create her tribute for the movie “Bridge of Terabitha “.
I have associated her video so much to this song that I forget that it was not the theme song.
It is worth the watch, especially if you have seen the movie.
She sums the movie up so well in this video.
Sometimes we need to still the waves of life. The excessive chattering that goes on within the mind can be quite exhausting to the spirit. The world moves so fast and it can spin us and toss us to and fro. When the world becomes too chaotic for me or my life is too dramatic or when my body begins to shut down or get too tight, I feel a wave moving through me, nudging me to wake up. Many my times this wave gets really loud and it can feel like a slap on the face, or it can even feel like I have hit a wall. These are the times I remember that all the chaos is inside of me. I am just projecting it out into the world. It is my soul nudging me to let go, allow the breakdown to bring me back to my Real Self. For the breakdown allows the breakthrough to move me to stillness where peace flows.
The vision for this painting came from a desire to release an old belief pattern that says, “life is hard and not many make it to their dreams without experiencing ‘blood, sweat and tears’ or tons of ‘spit ‘n grin’ and even then few have the self-esteem, strength or courage to push through.” But my Soul said, “Be Still. let go of the fight. Allow yourself to breakdown this old belief pattern.. You are ready to feel and experience more joy and gratitude for life. In the stillness, you will find a new window of opportunities opening. But you cannot use your eyes of duality to see. This window of gratitude can only be seen when you go into stillness and see through your one eye of the soul. Then you will see that everything already exists in each Now moment. Nothing is brought in….it is all here. But you can’t experience what you can’t see from within. What you see and perceive, you will believe. What you believe is what you can receive. So when you are ready to receive and experience something different in your life you will go within and still the mind and the outside world. You will allow the breakdown of the old constricted vision so you can expand your vision. Then you will be able to see and know that everything is Divine and it is all around, right now. When you seek things that you think are are not here you are missing the miracle of the Now. The Now contains it all. Yet you will not know this or see this because some things you do not feel ready to open up to but it is still here… Now. The mystery is not in changing things…the mystery is in expanding your vision and perception.”
This became confusing and I knew I needed to be still so I could understand it by experiencing it more within. But before I dove within the stillness I asked my Higher Self for more information. My soul whispered in a way I could understand in the moment, if you see only one side of a coin you will only experience that side. If you flip the coin you will see and experience the others side. Using your two eyes of duality you will only experience one side at a time. So if you experience one side as pain you can flip to the other side and experience it as pleasure. However, if you see using your one spiritual eye, you will experience both sides simultaneously. This creates balance. Your soul knows balance but here on Earth you forget because you see through duality. By diving into the stillness, you will move beyond duality, into Oneness. You will no longer judge things as this or that or good or bad. You will allow ‘what is’ to be felt without judging. Without the judging eyes of duality you will be present in the NOW and in the NOW is where peace is felt. Peace and acceptance is available each time we dive into the stillness. You will then be open to expand your vision more and then you will see more, experience more and receive more as well as give more. The stillness is where everything exists. It is where there is no beginning and no end. It is where you find true peace and where the answers you seek can be found. Be still NOW.”
So I was ready to let go. I knew I was ready to shift my focus. The chaos was too loud and my body was anything but peaceful. I knew I could only understand by experiencing it. Meditation is a practice that helps my mind to let go. The mind can have a very hard time surrendering to stillness. To the mind it can feel like death. But by watching my breath and allowing my thoughts to drift by without attaching to them I am able to let go and breathe in the Stillness of peace.
“(So let go) yeah let go
And just get in
Oh it's so amazing here
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown”