This wonderful online art class by Olga Furman called "Paint Your Heart and Soul" is inspiring me to find my artistic voice again. After going through many changes within myself as well as on the outside over the last 2 years, I am finally finding some balance again. My husband and I moved two years ago out of our home state where we spent our entire lives to a beautiful new dream home and new life. Although the transition has offered us space and time to grow spiritually, individually and in our relationship it has also brought a sense of loss. As one chapter of our lives was closing a brand new adventure was beginning. During this time within my cocoon, I temporary lost my artistic voice but now that I am beginning to break free with my new wings. This online class is helping me to see the world with fresh eyes.
If you are interest in Olga's class click here.
Here are a few pieces I created from the lessons.
This is the first time I have ever used charcoals and tinted paper. I found the charcoal most forgiving and I look forward to doing more portraits in the near future. It is not easy to face my fears within to make art. If I am blocked in anyway I cannot coax myself into facing my fears and letting go so I can create. Art always takes me on a journey within, a healing journey. It can be quite scary to visit these places I didn't even know existed. I see the sadness in her eyes.
This exercise was about connecting with animal totems that speak to us. Since I have been working with the trinity of the inner child, mother and father within I wanted to use the Lion to represent the spirit or higher consciousness. Through the innocence of the child, the emotional strength of the mother along with the courage of the father we embrace our full self.
This exercise was quite fun. Although in this print you cannot see all the layers of color that were created, in person they show through much more clearly. What was fun about this project was how I intuitively knew there was an angel of fairy that wanted to show up before I actually saw her. Then the next day I looked and saw her in the background. I sketch an outline of her and then when I started painting her in I noticed water was coming from her hands. So this painting was already there. I just brought out what wanted to come out. This happens quite often when I paint. At the very least, some part of my art journey always incorporates this process. It is such an intimate conversation with my spirit and higher self. Much like a lesson I need to learn.