IT All Begins & Ends Within
Charlie, the Caterpillar came into my life
to remind me that we are all
students learning from each other
and we are all teachers sharing our gifts.
Sometimes we just need a different perspective
to see our uniqueness and our oneness with
“All That Is'“
I dedicate this book to my Higher Self and my Inner Child
both who continue to teach me about myself and my journey with life
and from whom this story beckons to be told.
To my husband who has allowed me the freedom to explore my inner path
so I could find my inner strength, joy, peace, tranquility and sovereignty..
To my beautiful daughters, whose love and bright light
have guided me to stay present with each moment and to see, especially when I was too blind.
And to my family and friends who have supported me and taught me
many lessons with much grace, compassion and love.
Most are original to Charlie, while Some are adaptations of others’ brilliance, insight, and wit.
Chapter One
Preview of the
“Life Review”
Today is the Tomorrow
We Dreamed of Yesterday
And Today is the Tomorrow
Of Our Future Hopes To Come”
“The past, present & future,
All interconnected & fluid
Seeming existing alone
Yet within each…
the others’ included.”
“The cocoon is complete, Charlie. Soon you will be ready to shed this layer. There is nothing more here to taste that you have not already consumed. You can let go and relax now. You are coming to the end of this journey and enfolding into another. It is time to discover the ‘REAL UNKNOWN’.”
“Who said that? This voice sounds familiar, except yesterday it seemed to be hovering above my head, yet today it feels like it’s inside my head. Oh wait! No, that doesn’t make sense either because it doesn’t feel separate from me. Now that sounds even crazier! How can something be inside of me yet also above me? Things keep changing yet somehow they still feel the same. Now this is the craziest thing I have yet to say on this very curious day. I feel like what was up is now down and what was backwards is now forwards. WHAT WAS REAL? WHAT IS NOT? I feel no ground beneath my feet. Oh my, wait! I actually have no ground beneath my feet. Oh noooo, I guess I have no choice but to surrender to defeat.”
“Maybe that’s because I am both inside of you and I am outside, yet not outside the whole of you.”
“What? How can you be both inside and outside? You can’t be in two places at the same time. You’re impossible!”
“No, I’m-Possible. Impossible becomes ‘I’m Possible’ when you know there is ‘no separation’ from the ‘I AM’. Charlie, when you remember to live life in the Now, you open up to all possibilities that coexist now and then you remember that ‘Now’ is all there is, has been, or will be. So...Be Here Now with the I Am and impossible will become, I’m-possible.”
“What in the world is the “I AM” and the ‘REAL UNKNOWN’? And what do you mean, it is time to discover the ˜REAL UNKNOWN? There you go again with these perplexing statements. My head is spinning out of control and I feel so uncomfortable in this tight chamber listening to a voice that says it’s inside and outside of me but not outside the whole of me. Could this day get any more curiouser?”
“Well that’s a good place to start Charlie, because your head cannot perceive the ‘I Am’. It is beyond what the mind can comprehend. Some, say the ‘I AM’ is the One In The All and The All In The One, others say it is without beginning and end; and there are others that say it is everything yet also ’no thing’. So before we move further, the first thing you need to do is get out of your head and into your heart. You are transitioning between worlds and your heart is where these two worlds are joined together. Let go of everything. All will unfold in Divine Order. There is nothing to fear. You are ready to discover the journey within, where the real world exists.”
“Is the ‘REAL UNKNOWN’ the same thing as the real world?”
“That’s a good question. But first let’s get centered. Breathe in deeply and exhale. Do this two more times with me. Allow yourself to fall into the stillness as you listen to my voice, gently whispering, Be Here NOW, Be Here NOW. Just remember, NOW is all there really ever was, ever is and ever shall be. Everything is interconnected. Remember the inside and the outside worlds move as one.”
“Wait a second here! What the heck do you mean, “Now is all there was, is and shall be and the inside and outside world move as one? This is totally crazy! I mean you aren’t making any sense and it is beginning to scare me. I thought NOW is Now. What about the past and the future? As the saying goes, The past is history and the future, well it’s always a mystery. How can you lump them all together? Also how can I remember something I have never heard before? I don’t mind telling you I don’t think I‘m ready for this transition.”
“Okay let’s take it slowly. And keep breathing those deep breaths each time you get confused. iIt helps you to remember. When I say the word “re-member”, I am actually referring to the conscious parts of you that have ‘returned’ or ‘membered’ again with the presence of oneness where all things exist. You see you merge from separation back into Oneness and Oneness back into Separation all the time. When you return to Oneness or ”All That Is, Has Been & Will Be” in the same Now moment, you understand things from an expanded perspective. When you perceive things from separation, you contract into a more limited 3D perspective. Things feel new and different in the separation of the 3D perspective. But nothing is truly new. It’s just where you focus and your awareness is each moment of now that creates this illusion.
“Let’s take things one step at a time. We can look at the past in isolation.”
“I am fine with that as long as we take it slow, please. I’m trying to stay grounded even though I have no ground beneath my feet. Ha Ha!!”
“Very good. With each deep breath in and out feel how the body is letting go and the mind is becoming more still. Let's take another deep breath in and out. Feel your heart opening wider. Okay, now let’s begin with the foundation. We can agree in this moment of our conversation, that the past is created in each and every moment as it slips by, right?”
“Yes, I guess I can sense with my heart that the past is just moments that have passed by.”
”Let’s go a step further. When you reflect on those past moments or events at different times throughout your life, your perception of those events may change as you grow in your awareness. For instance, let’s say you experienced some event in your past which triggered an angry response, you may feel stuck, unable to move forward. This anger created a dam, or blockage so to speak, in your energetic, spiritual, emotional, and physical field. If this blockage of energy isn’t moved through completely, resistance creates a pushing and pulling in your energy field. This in turn creates a looping energy pattern. This energetic pattern keeps looping back because it is blocked from moving forward. In turn, it causes or it attracts an energy field that will pull in more angry situations and push out more angry situations.’
”‘Is that like the ‘fight and flight’ mode that animals get into when they are trying to block each other from moving forward into their territory? I remember witnessing this many times.”
”Yes, that’s the idea. This looping pattern may continue until either side gives into the other side. Then things can be seen from a different perspective. Of course this looping pattern may continue to attract these kinds of experiences until you experience many different sides or aspects of the angry blockage.”
“Oh like eventually both will need to lose and both will need to win sometime in order for each to learn win-win? This is something I totally had to learn over and over before I could win-win. And even when I learned it once, I had to learn it again and again.”
‘Yes, as you experience different points of view, you may come to understand the situation more fully because you now can see it from a holistic viewpoint. When this happens your consciousness can shift and forgiveness can now move in. The angry blockage that was stored in your body will dissolve. Now your heart will replace it with understanding, love and acceptance. This will completely change your frequency. Now your energy field can attract different energy fields, different life situations and different patterns into your life. It is an ongoing process and it is a different journey for everyone. We are all expanding and contracting all the time. Every being is creating their reality either consciously or unconsciously according to their energy field.”
“Oh so you mean the past is a memory of events that we previously experienced and we stored these patterns in our body?”
“Well the past is a little more profound than just a memory or a recall of events. We actually hold a much deeper connection and attachment to it because the past actually lives and changes our spiritual, emotional, and physical bodies in each Now moment.”
“Wow! Now this is intriguing and it does seem to make some sense. But then it gets more confusing too. I know I’m not really making any sense myself. This day is getting curiouser and curiouser by the moment. And I don’t even know if it’s day or night anymore.”
“Yes, time is funny that way. Okay, Charlie, let’s build on this foundation. Since the past is our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical perception of events in each, Now moment, it can be easily understood, as we change, shift, expand or contract, so does the past change, shift, expand or contract. Nothing is really fixed. It is all more fluid than we often realize.”
“Now this seems a little familiar, but I am not sure exactly how I know this. We sure are using the word ’Now’ a lot. I’m beginning to understand that Now is very heavy and full of a lot. Tee hee!”
“Yes, you have learned this all many times and you will recall many things as we move along but first we need to lay the foundation for your life review because after all, experiencing this, is knowing this, with a much more expanded awareness than just hearing this.”
“What’s a life review?”
A life review is the journey you take when you transition from one state of awareness or consciousness to the next. During this journey you experience the meaning of that life.”
“You mean I will learn why I was born? Oh, goody, I’ve spent my life asking this question.”
“Well you don’t really learn the meaning of your life. You, remember the meaning of your life, through your life’s experiences. See before you were born you came into the world with a plan which was stored in your DNA or also known as your ‘Divine, Nature, Aura’. You came to experience this plan, on the 3D Earth, or otherwise known as Divine Disintegration Duality’, through your ‘free will’, or what is sometimes called your conscious, subconscious and unconscious willpower.”
“Wow, now that sounds super intriguing. Is DNA the same thing as fate? I remember hearing about fate during my lifetime. ”
“No, it’s not the same as fate. Fate is known as a state or end that seemingly has been decided beforehand. Your DNA merely acts like a contract or plan, so to speak, that you made before you were born with all that came before you, all that will come after you, and your present incarnation. However, you always have the power of freewill in each moment to change that plan and the choices you make can change that contract while you are living on Earth because as I said, nothing is actually fixed, not the past, present nor the future. Everything is shifting from one state of awareness to another in every moment of NOW.”
“Oh I am feeling much better now. I think I am beginning to understand that this isn’t so scary because I do feel like there are parts of me who remember some of this on some level. Or I have expanded some aspects of me into Oneness. But I will add, I’m ready to go back to building on the foundation of the past. I still don’t quite understand that yet.”
“Very good. Ok to sum up a little bit, I will offer you this. To help us see, feel and understand life on the third dimensional consciousness, we experience life in what feels like separate moments and we experience these moments in the form of cycles which are repeatable patterns or otherwise known as vibrations. In the 3D world of separation we call this time. It feels like we are moving on a line… a ‘timeline’. We see time as separate moments. But really if we zoom outward and see these separate moments from a higher perspective we see that time enfolds within itself. These expanded perceptions allow us to shift the way we perceive the previous experiences we call our past because now we don’t view them in isolation. Now our present shifts and so does our future possibilities.”
“Wait! What? I'm still confused. I mean it seems like another part of me has come in that isn’t getting this. Or remembering this as you say. Are you saying that the past is alive and thriving? It shifts and changes as we shift and change our perspectives by expanding or contracting our awareness? And then it changes our present and our future possibilities?”
Precisely .”
“Good. Ok, can you explain more about how the Now and future work?
“Okay, let me start by saying the NOW is the ‘Never-ending Omniscient Whole’ moment, which has no beginning or end. It is fluid, alive and it is thriving with constant change. But don’t get too caught off guard because you’ll understand this as we move along.’
“I hope so because that’s a lot to take in. I mean the Never-ending Omniscient Whole is what Now means? I have to say… that sounds so deep.”
“Ok take another deep breath in and out. Let’s say you have an experience and at the time you didn’t feel fully empowered with your whole self to embody all of the present NOW. For whatever reason, you just couldn’t fully embody all of that moment because it felt so big. The parts that couldn’t absorb the experience splintered off from your whole consciousness and from the whole self, which is the body, mind, spirit. This splintering of energy caused a dissociation which actually created a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy vibrational energy blockage that got lodged in the body and aura.”
“Oh, just like the angry moments created looping patterns?’
“Yes, except this time you chose to slow down the learning so you could more fully grasp the situation. In other words, you created cycles so that you could experience certain things at a slower rate in order to experience a certain aspect you might have previously missed. When you can fully embody and embrace the present ‘Now’ moment of this past looping pattern then you will have changed the past. Now you can create a new experience and have new choices. In other words, your Now has opened up to more expanded Now and more expanded future possibilities as well.”
“Now we are getting into the future awareness and you said that it is being created in every Now. Can you expand on this? Something trying to flow in more easily. I can see the building upon layers is helping me grasp more easily.”
“Yes, we learn in layers. This is a very simplified version, but as you expand your understanding and open up more of your consciousness to these past looping patterns you will open up to more of yourself and thus more of your awareness, which in turn, will open up more future expanded possibilities and choices in each present moment.”
“Huh? Come again.”
“Let’s begin by saying in order to understand the future, which is merely the possibilities that exist in each Now based on your awareness, you need to also remember that all your past choices, including your past lives, the choices of your ancestors as well as the mass conscious choices of every being, is affecting your present moment awareness. Since your present moment awareness is created by all of these past perceptions in this moment of Now, you can easily see that each Now is creating your future possibility choices as well.”
“Wow! So let me make sure I’m getting this right. Everything and everyone, including of course myself, in the past and present are affecting not only my present choices but also my future possibilities and everyone’s present and future possibilities?”
“Yes and not make it more confusing, but I have to add that these past events are also intertwined with what is known as free-flowing grace. Grace is the Crounding, Receiving, Accepting, Consciousness Ever-evolving …omnipresent state of awareness that you can tap into in every Now when you rejoin, ’All That Is’. This state of awesomeness may open a door that you may have previously closed. When we still our mind and open our heart within the gratitude of this moment, while being open to the abundance of our highest good, we allow the expansion of ‘All That Is’ to enter our lives. So you can see there’s a lot going on in each Now.”
“Ok maybe you just went a bit too far again.”
‘That means it’s time for another deep breath in and out. Just remember that everything is interconnected and everything is fluid. Your past, present and future possibilities are shifting all the time in each Now according to your conscious and unconscious awareness and that of the world…well really for that matter our entire universe and beyond. I will repeat what I said earlier, not only does the NOW contain everything, it ultimately has no beginning and no end, like a circle or rather more like a sphere enfolding within itself.”
“Is that because we have added grace to it all?”
‘Yes, among other things. But just remember it’s all constantly changing. Even what I am saying now is only part of the truth. Like I said, I’m inside and outside of you but not outside the whole of you. Everything is interconnected to everything else.”
“I think we have come full circle. Was there a reason we just went through all this? I mean, I think I am understanding the past, present, and future more clearly.. I see that the past, present and future, all interconnected and fluid Seeming existing alone yet within each the others’ included. Nothing is fixed and separated like I previously thought but I don’t think I understand everything entirely. And I’m afraid I am still confused between the real unknown and the real world. “
“Remember, Charlie, this is the purpose of the life review. We have gone through this spiraling vortex in order to build a firm foundation for your life review. Now that you better understand the basics of time you are ready to proceed. This journey is a gentle unraveling of your life so that you can remember why you came and what you experienced with your consciousness in the physical illusionary separation existence of earth. This life review will move in and out, back and forth as well as up and down constantly throughout this process. It will not travel in a straight line. Although there is no true separation in the Now, you experienced this illusion of separation when you lived in the state of duality. So to move beyond duality you will need to become more present in this Now. Consciousness is multifaceted and multidimensional and so you will be reviewing things in your own unique way and your own unique pattern in each now and you will see and feel things from many perspectives. This process is much more soft and tender when you let go of judging the journey and allow it to just unfold in Divine order and Divine timing for your particular conscious awareness in each now. The more you relax and allow, the easier and gentler it all flows. Now take another deep breath and allow whatever wants to come up.”
Chapter Two
Jung, ’The All-Seeing Eye’ Grasshopper
All of life consists of
shadow & light.
like our vision of the moon,
what we see & what we think we can’t see
is not the whole of
’All That Is’.”
“Oh wow! I’m starting to remember something. It’s about a grasshopper I once met. Let me see, yes his name was Jung. Now that I think about it, I remember I found him highly unusual. I mean what I most remember about him was his vision. It was like he sees with ‘a thousand eyes’ so to speak. He doesn’t of course have a thousand eyes but his vision is so clear with the five he has it seems that way. I mean he doesn’t miss a beat. It’s like he sees the bigger picture of life. Hmmm, now that I think about it, he was trying to teach me something about the past, present and future all being interconnected. That’s funny I forgot all about that. Let me see….what was the example he gave to me. Hmm, I think it was something about the moon. Yes of course it was about the moon because I can see it now, it was so big and bright.”
“Yes indeed, Jung, is a very wise teacher. Okay I am glad you are beginning to re-member with the parts of you that have experienced the past, present and future as being interwoven. You can relax and allow these memories to unravel as they begin to surface. This time your consciousness will be activated from a higher perspective. Take a deep breath in and out. Close your eyes and follow the rhythm of your breath. Repeat, I am here Now. I am here Now. I am here Now. Keep following your breath in and out. Focus your awareness between your two eyes. This is known as your spiritual intuitive eye. Can you see the sky above you from that past moment?
“Oh my goodness yes,it’s all coming in. Wow! It’s the most beautiful and tranquil purple night sky. How did I forget such a beautiful night sky?”
“You didn’t forget Charlie. It has always been with you. Very good. Keep focusing on your breath and allow yourself to be present with that Now of the past. You will experience what you need to know. I am here with you throughout this journey.”
“Good Evening, wise one. How are you on this beautiful night?”
“Oh, hi, I didn’t see you there. I was just wondering, while I was climbing this sweet flower, where that beautiful lullaby was coming from. I was mesmerized by the tranquil pulsating rhythmic music that was echoing against the backdrop of this shimmering golden moon and this deep majestic purple skyline. What an outstanding combination of pure bliss. Pardon me but I don’t think I recall meeting you before. I am known as Charlie, the Caterpillar. May I ask why you called me the wise one? Am I wise?”
“Charlie, the Caterpillar, please do forgive me. You’re right, we haven’t been introduced in this present moment. You can just call me Jung, if you want to know my species, I am of the grasshopper family. Now to answer your question, I believe everyone is wise! Just like this clever old moon, we all have many more layers that may not always be seen at once with the eyes of duality. To tap into our wisdom we need to go deeper within, so we can leap beyond the veil of separation of time and space to the place of stillness where All exists. Everything we need to know can be found within this special place if we only believe, trust and have faith in Divine unfolding. When we are ready to See and Be, we will.’ Oh and Charlie, I’m pleased and honored to hear that you enjoyed my music. I believe everyone has a beautiful unique melody within their own heart. The journey is all about discovering it, then singing it out and sharing it’s splendor with the world.”
“Hmm, I never thought of everyone being wise. I mean is everyone wise? From my experience, some don’t act so wise. I mean, I wouldn’t call myself wise and I wouldn’t say I have a beautiful song about me either.”
“Ha Ha! Well now Charlie, we are all wise in different ways. For example, it was quite wise and observate of you to be open to the blessings of this glistening golden moon shining against this lovely regal purple skyline you mentioned. Many would not be fully aware of its presence let alone absorb its grandeur and energy. You not only saw and felt it, you embody its magnificence.”
“Wow! I did all that? How did I absorb its grandeur and energy much less embody its magnificence? That sounds very smart of me but I don’t even know how I did that.”
“By being fully present within yourself to this very moment. To some this moon on the outside may just look like the same ordinary moon they see each day. It may just blend into the background to them. Then some may pass by and catch a glance or notice how big it is and still others may have seen it’s surface beauty without pausing to go deeper. The real beauty in life is to connect deeply within ourselves and then we see that the true essence of beauty has many layers of wonder. Take this purple skyline that you described, why it reminds me of a very wise amethyst crystal which happens to be just about the same color of this sky. Have you ever seen an amethyst?”
‘No I haven’t. Come to think of it, I haven't even heard of it before.”
“Well on the outside they look like a plain rock but inside they hide a brilliant display of purple multi-faceted crystals that capture and reflect the light of the sun and explode it out in all directions. It looks like a cluster of purple shining stars. And that’s not all, amethyst stones carry a high vibration of wisdom as well. Just being in their presence can lift you to a higher vibration. See this is what I am talking about, Charlie, everyone and everything is wise in different ways. I am going to repeat myself because it’s important to truly realize that presence and self-awareness is key to unlocking the magic that is within and all around us.”
“What do you mean not all are as present in the moment? I mean what other way can we be? Seriously, Jung, how could anyone miss the radiance of this night? The moon is full and huge. It is almost as bright as the sun. And this purple sky does feel like it lifts you up like the amethyst stone you spoke about. And by the way, if this stone is anything like this night skyline then I couldn’t be more intrigued to meet one someday. I do hope I come upon one.”
“Well Charlie, some may see it but they may not be present with all of its aspects and treasures. It’s the same with an amethyst crystal. You have to go deeper within to find it’s real magic. In fact, most would pass by it and never know of its splendor within. As I said, the more present you are within yourself, the more present you are to this moment, and the more present you are of the moment, the more you see of its blossoms. If we are not fully awake within ourselves we may be too distracted in our thoughts of yesterdays or tomorrows. Then we are not fully present in our awareness to experience the blooming beauty that’s thriving all around and within everything and everyone.”
“Hmm. I have never heard that before. But how can they be here and still be stuck in other parts of their life in the past or future? That doesn’t make sense to me.”
“Okay, let me explain it like this. You see that the moon is full, right?"
“Of course I can see because it is full. It isn’t always full like it is tonight. Tonight seems like a rare moment to be sure.”
“Okay that’s a very good point Charlie. You said it isn’t always full. But what if I reminded you, it is always full but you just might not see all of it from your particular viewpoint.”
“Huh? Oh yes, I guess you have a point.”
“Yes, we see the moon because the sun reflects its light onto the moon. As the moon cycles around the earth we see different parts of the moon from where we stand. Although the moon looks like it is going through waxing and waning cycles, it actually exists in its entirety all the time. Some of its aspects and effects on us may seem to be hidden behind a veil or shadow, so to speak, at certain times but actually all of the aspects and treasure are always present with us. Our dualistic viewpoint creates an illusion around our true vision. It’s like a shadow or veil that feels like it blocks some of our view and some our awareness. But really it’s all there. Many tend to believe in what they can see. If they can’t see it with their physical eyes, they may think it doesn't exist or that it has disappeared. What we believe we perceive and what of perceive we believe.”
”Yes I can get that. I have experienced different perspectives than people who were right beside me. It can feel crazy sometimes. “
”It’s true we are all seeing and sensing things from different perspectives or angles depending where we focus our attention and from where our awareness viewpoint is in each moment. Everything and everyone is affecting all of us all the time because we are all woven together into a whole. However, like the moon, we also seem to cycle in and out of phases where parts of ourselves seem to be hidden from us in our unconscious and this may change our day to day views of how we experience ourselves, each other and the world for that matter. Likewise, others may only view parts of us depending on where they focus or reflect their attention on us and where their state of awareness is in the moment. Of course, all parts of us actually exist within us all the time. As we expand our awareness, we expand our understanding of ourselves, as well as our view of others and our environment. This allows us to experience more than our senses reflect back to us. I will add, the same can be true when we experience contracting cycles. There are moments we seem to disconnect from parts of ourselves which causes us to feel contracted states of awareness. Like the moon, we may seem to be waxing and waning, even though we are always whole. You see all of life consists of shadow and light, lIke our vision of the moon, what we see and what we think we can’t see is not the whole of All That Is.”
“Wow! That is some heavy stuff. Maybe that explains why some individuals seem to act one way and then the next time you see them they may act totally different.“
“Exactly, Charlie. We all have many parts that are working together to create a balance of light and shadow in the present, past and future. Now let me uncoil back to your question of how people can be here and in other parts of their lives. I will use this same analogy of the moon and its phases as they relate to time. As I said it may seem like the moon is transitioning through cycles and breaking up into parts that are seen and unseen but it's all here now. It is the same with time. It is an illusion that time is broken up and hidden by a shadow or veil called past, present and future.”
‘Huh? You lost me.”
‘For example, it may look like the sun is falling asleep as it’s lowering itself to the end of its day while at the same time the moon seems to be rising and giving birth to its night. Or let me try to put it another way. According to where you focus your consciousness, it may seem like the sun is falling into the past when the day is done yet at the same time, the moon may seem to give rise to the hope of tomorrow’s future as night takes over the day. It’s all how you perceive things and where your consciousness is in a particular moment. The sun and the moon, as well as the day and the night all exist at the same time. As I said, we don’t usually experience their entire effects and the full benefits of their gifts all at once because we are not fully present in the Now with the ‘One in the All AND the All in the One. We are living one on one side at a time so to speak. But if we were above this ‘three dimensional state of consciousness it would be like we were looking down at both day and night simultaneously. What I mean by this is, the Here and Now, is where separation dissolves into Oneness and Oneness separates into the All. It is also where consciousness enfolds within itself by creating a sense of time and no time. When we are in this state of presence, time no longer moves forward in a linear progression, it is all encompassing and enfolding within itself. This is where all possibilities exist. You can call these timelines so to speak. Although they don’t have to be experienced linearly. They all coexist Now. It is where the magic is born.”
“What do you mean they don’t have to be experienced linearly?”
‘What I mean is you don’t have to travel timelines like walking in a straight line from one point to another, so to speak. If we feel stuck in different states of awareness or things don’t seem to work on the path we are on, we can choose a ‘curve loop’ in our path. By choosing the ‘curve loop’ things will seem to move towards us at a much quicker rate. We can be more conscious of what we want to experience and this allows us to shift timelines. As we begin to open up more of our consciousness in the moment, time begins to enfold within itself and collapse. It is not like we have to change our physical surroundings or go somewhere else to experience a different timeline. Sometimes we can just shift our awareness and then life becomes more beautiful and more meaningful exactly where we are in that moment. That’s when time moves in spirals rather than lines.”
“That’s insane! How do we do this?”
‘‘This happens when we learn to trust our hearts, our intuition and the Divine intervention within. We have to slow our breathing down by breathing in and out more consciously. Instead of giving in to the surface of logical progression of the linear path, we can go into the stillness within where all can be found. Through the quiet moments, our minds slow down and we begin to listen to the heart. The heart connects with the higher guidance of All That Is. Then we can rise out of the linear view and see from a more expanded view. From this state of consciousness we can fully perceive the moon, the sun, the day and the night and all of their aspects and influences in the present moment.“
“That’s a lot to take in. It sounds like we are all working for the greater good even though it doesn’t often look that way to me.”
“Yes, Charlie, each of our individual paths travel in harmony with all others even when the lower vibrations of chaos ensue. Sometimes we just can’t see the higher perspective of harmony, however in each moment, we are all supporting the greatest benefit for the individual as well as for the whole. We may not consciously know what we truly need or the way we want to experience things because we may be figuratively asleep to some aspects of ourselves and our lives. We may be sleepwalking so to speak. This can happen when we allow our consciousness to pull us out of the present into the future possibilities. This can create anxiety and fear in our bodies or we may be living in the past with regret thus creating anger and sadness. However I must say, Charlie, that within each of our hearts there is a knowing that we have always had the power to shift our focus when things feel too bumpy by stopping and returning more deeply within to the stillness, the place where peace, acceptance and gratitude lives. In this state, we will actually be occupying many states of consciousness at once which allows us to feel the miraculous shift in our hearts to joy because we now remember that everything we want is not only wanting us but is also already within us. Now we will remember to live in the world but not be attached to it for we will see more clearly how everything is fitting together and is enfolding in the sacred dance of harmony with the light and the shadow.”
‘Wow that’s some deep stuff. It feels a bit confusing but at the same time it makes total sense. It’s both relaxing to hear yet also stressful because I know I am not able to fully embody it all and I really want to.”
“It’s ok to feel it all. We will remember that the moment didn’t pass us by and it isn’t far from us in the future that we must rush to before we miss it again. It is here with us and has been all along. We can slow everything down by taking deep breaths. Then we’ll remember that we came to experience the mystery of separation and the unfoldment of dreams. I know this is a simple explanation. But I think it is enough for now. Each of us is discovering infinite truths and unknown treasures. Our paths lead us to our ever expanding quest for the limitless beauty of life. We are all wise and we each have our own unique gift or song to share with the world. We are here to walk on our own path of expansion and contraction. We are all masters sharing our visions. Isn’t it grand?”
“How in the world do you know all these things? I mean when you explain it like that I can understand this beautiful mystical story. But then when I allow myself to think too much about it I get confused again. Why?”
“Charlie, that is totally understandable. We all seem to have parts hidden within our consciousness from ourselves from time to time while we experience this dimensional illusion of separation. It’s the mystical dance of life. Sometimes we have to block some things from our view so we can seemingly learn new things. In other words, we may seem to hide these parts from ourselves so we can focus on other parts. It may feel like we are sometimes viewing the world through tunnel vision. But as we learn to live in the world but not be attached to it, we will see more clearly. We will then be able to occupy many states of consciousness at once. Letting go of attachments of how we think life should be, is key.”
“That makes me relax just knowing that what I need will be revealed in due time. I think I am moving in and out of understanding but I now believe that it is perfectly okay. Thank you so much for your wisdom and for shining a light on things I didn’t understand. I guess if I am going to see or name one of my gifts, I would have to say that my patience and my love for learning allows me to be able to listen well to others. But I must add, I do love to talk, and I am not sure that is a gift. What would you say is your most important gift, Jung?”
“Charlie, you are indeed a patient and happy learner. It has been my pleasure to have met you this lovely evening. Talking is just as important as listening. One can not exist without the other. I guess I would say the most important gift that I have is my very powerful eyes that permit me to see in the dark and in the light. This allows me to see an expanded picture of life. Not only do I see what is in front of me, I also see intuitively, which means I can see beyond what the solid logical world holds. I travel through the world with a sense of wonder, gratitude, joy and curiosity because I know there will always be new treasures and new mysteries to explore.
‘Wow… how did I forget one of the most important times of my life? And to think it was within me the whole time and I forgot.”
“You didn’t forget, Charlie. You just allowed other parts of yourself that didn’t understand before to now grasp the information. Sometimes we have to let the information grow. It’s like a seed. It needs time to bloom. That was a lot to ingest at once. Remember seeds don't bloom overnight. You absorbed what you needed at that moment and you let the rest go into the body until the right Now moment to blossom. What did you re-member? What did Jung awaken in you?”
“I guess I can say, I re-membered that I came to experience separation so I could enjoy the expansion and contraction flow just like this moon. By experiencing separation I could enjoy the beauty of the world as being separate from me and so I could shine my light on different aspects of time. I feel so much more relaxed now that I understand more. Jung shined a light on me to show my value and through his wisdom and his self love he showed me that everyone and everything is wise. Each has a gift to share and together we can help bring those gifts into the world so we can re-member who we truly are within. He also reminded me that everything is present in this Now moment. Just because we can’t see things does not mean they aren’t present. It just means our consciousness may not be fully present in this Now. If we step back into the stillness of the Now, we can receive all of the benefits of the moment even when things seemingly look to be behind a veil. It is in our own self-awareness that determines how we perceive and receive things.
But I still don’t understand how I got stuck in the past and in the future while breathing in the present. I think there is more for you to show me that I have temporarily forgotten or didn’t fully embody. But I’m not anxious like I was before I began reviewing this wonderful moment of my life with Jung and for that I am most grateful.”
“Yes indeed, Jung was a very wise teacher. I am glad you are beginning to see that everything exists in the Now. Let’s go a little deeper to see how the past, present, and future are interconnected. Jung laid a good foundation for our dialogue to move further. You are ready to build on the thought that the past is your perception of events in this Now moment, by looking at how these perceptions of events are stored in your body.”
“Now this is definitely triggering a memory. Something inside is wanting to bubble up.”
“Very good. To re-member, go back into the stillness. Breathe in and out deeply three times and repeat I am here now. Allow the past Now to rise up. Can you see or feel anything yet?
“Yes, it feels very hot and I am feeling anxious and exhausted yet I also feel a calm presence. Can’t see anything yet but I feel instantly lured into a calmer state of mind. Let me soak and breathe this all in. Oh. my goodness I re-member now. I can barely see my very good friends and teachers, Cosmos and the Wise Old Oak Tree. Yes, it is coming back. Now I remember him telling me something about the seven energy sources in our body. Wooza, I see something like a crystal light glistening around his neck, kind of like Jung’s description of the amethyst, only it looks more like a greenish twinkling effect. It is all coming back to me like a distant friend waving me forward. I can hear myself talking to myself which I often did. That is, when I wasn’t talking to you.”
“Now allow yourself to sink into that feeling and let it expand in your body. The vision will begin to enlarge as you let go. Keep focusing on the rhythm of your breath moving in and out. Relax into it and try not to control it or force yourself to move towards it. It will open up to you. I am with you throughout this journey.”
Chapter Tree
Cosmos, “The Contemplative Frog”
”Always together
Yet also apart
But never separated
In the soul or the heart”
“Ahh, this is so magnificent! I think I will crawl over to that huge leaf. It looks so inviting, like a floating boat of peace and tranquillity. Now this is living right. All that hurrying around made my body so sore. Ahhhh! Tra laa la la la, Tra laa la la la. ... Singing a sweet song.... as I move along. Tra laa la la la...tra laa la la la. With nothing to do...but enjoy the view.”
“Good afternoon, Charlie. Cosmos, at your service. You need not feel bad for bumping in, you have not disturb me in the least. Yes, this is a lovely pond indeed, with the water glistening off the surface. It would make anyone smile with contentment. There is nothing more joyful than breathing in the moment. What a lovely song too. Thank you for blessing my day. Please, do come closer and stay a while. You are not bothering me at all. Pardon me, I will be with you in just a moment.”
“What is going on? How did he know my name, much less what I was thinking? It's as if he read my mind. I mean I was talking to him but only in my mind. How did he do that? I mean I was thinking my thoughts to him but I never dared think he would answer. In fact I was certain he wouldn’t.”
“Oh pardon me Charlie, were you speaking to me? I can’t quite hear when you whisper.”
“Excuse me sir, how could you not hear me when only a moment ago you read my very thoughts. I would love to read people’s minds. Most of the time I cannot even get people to notice me even when I speak directly to them. How do you do it, pray tell me?”
“That’s easy, you directed your thoughts to me. However when you were whispering you did not. Everyone can read thoughts but it takes practice and patience to do it often. You see Charlie, it all has to do with our intention. I do not wish to invade anyone’s boundaries so I only pick up on thoughts that are directed to me. Now how can I be of assistance to you, Charlie? And by the way, I was not thinking anything at the time you wandered up. In fact, I was meditating.”
“There you go again. Can you teach me how to do it?”
“It isn’t about teaching you how, it’s really about patience and presence. You see Charlie, when you are fully present in the Now with the field of Oneness you rejoin ‘All That Is’ . Practicing presence through meditation can be the first steps to making this connection. It can allow us to bridge the gap that we may feel exist between us. This can help us to better communicate. It’s the best form of rejoining our soul vibrations with each other and ‘All That Is’.”
“Ahhh, yes, there are those words again, patience, practice and presence. They do all seem to go hand in hand. I learned a while back that patience is the key to learning new things. Once I met a dear friend named Bernadine, the Goodger. She also told me the importance of patience and stillness.”
“It sounds like Bernadine, the Goodger planted a good seed for you.”
“Yes, the seed was planted but to be honest, I really never quite understood how to meditate effectively. so I’m not so sure I nurture the seed. I usually just pray because my mind is always so active. How is meditation different from praying?”
‘Why not discover for yourself. Please, be my guest, Charlie, and have a seat so we can meditate together and then we will not be worlds apart.”
“Oh yes, I would love that. Thank you. This is the most beautiful flower. It feels so peaceful. No wonder you like to meditate here. Now I must ask you what you meant by saying we are worlds apart afterall I am sitting right beside you?”
“I agree Charlie, this lotus flower, is indeed most peaceful for it is a symbol of purity, rebirth and self-regeneration. It grows through the dirtiest waters yet it produces the most beautiful pure flower. It reaches up and absorbs the sun’s energy and then expands its delicate petals and its sweet Divine fragrance into the world and beyond. It truly is a beautiful gift for all who are ready to experience its presence. Now Charlie, that is a very good question to be sure. I could say it is merely a figure of speech, but actually it is much deeper than that. See there are worlds within worlds, within worlds all simultaneously coexisting. In fact, actually we all live in our own world within bigger worlds and it is not time and space that separate our worlds. Let me explain what I mean after we still our minds and bodies, for it will be a much shorter answer when our vibrations are on the same frequency.”
“Sounds good but how do we do that?”
“Well actually it is simple, all you have to do is close your eyes and focus your attention at a point right between your two eyes. This is called your third eye or spiritual eye. Now take a deep breath in and say, “I am...and breathe out and say “Here. Now we will do it together three more times but this time silently in our mind. If your mind drifts into thoughts, merely return your focus on the breath technique we just did. When you hear a bell you will relax even deeper and your thoughts will slow even more. When you hear the second bell you will be finished with the meditation.”
“Wow...that was wonderful! I feel so alive and connected to everything. How is this happening? I didn’t even notice the depth of this flower the way I am experiencing its presence now. I also love how the water is glistening so magically off the surface. It's so alive. It’s even more refreshing than I felt before we did our meditation. As a matter of fact, everything seems to be so alive and awake. I see that big beautiful oak tree too and it seems to be watching me. I never noticed how alive this world is. My vision is so much more clear and real yet also things feel more mysterious and unreal. I feel much more love and a deeper connection to everything than I did before. How is this happening?”
“Well you are opening your heart wider and sharing space with all that is around you and rejoining with All That Is. Now, what do you think is the difference between meditation and prayer?”
“I guess I have to say that I believe praying is a quiet but active request or offering of love and devotion, while meditating, I think is when we still the mind and body so that we can listen and receive the Divine within and through the spirit of this Oneness we can deeply connect to everything. Wow! Where did that come from?”
“Charlie, that is so beautiful and poetic. Thank you for sharing from your heart. All of that came from your higher connection to yourself and All That Is. How about we move over to this mighty oak tree that you feel is beckoning you.”
“Ahhh I feel deeply connected to the earth as I sit here on this mighty tree’s strong roots. I am definitely feeling like the tree and I are sharing space. Did our meditation do all of that?”
“Yes, meditation slows us down so we can feel the shared space that exists between ourselves and everything around us. By stilling our minds we open our hearts to the deeper connection that already exists. This shared space has its own frequency and energy pattern. It contains both of the vibrations of ourselves and what we focus our attention on. When our energies are vibrating at similar frequencies we are able to relate to other things around us more easily through this shared space. However if our energies are vibrating at much different frequencies our communication might not flow as easily and our shared space might feel wobbly so to speak. It is almost like we are speaking in different languages from different worlds even though we are sitting side by side using the same language.”
“I don’t fully understand. I mean I get that we can bridge the gap through meditation because that just happened and I feel it. I just don’t know how we live in different worlds when we are in the same world. What is causing the gap?”
“Well that’s a good question, Charlie. You see, communication is more than speaking words or sharing sound vibrations. In fact, words can often be misunderstood and so it can be a more crude way to communicate. Spoken words can also be overridden by the emotional energy of the individual who is speaking and of the one receiving the communication. Our emotions and the emotional state we are in, can cause conflicting messages. That’s why someone may hear one thing but they feel a totally different meaning.”
‘Yes I can get that. I ran into that problem before with these ladybugs I met. Everything they said seemed personally wounding to me. It’s like we weren’t even on the same planet. It’s crazy when that happens. Why do emotions confuse us. Where do they come from?”
‘Yes our emotions can sometimes do that. Simply put, emotions are energy in motion. It’s the movement of our vibration or you might say our essence throughout our bodies and into the world. We are always moving our energy through our bodies as well between ourselves and others. Of course, this is all happening beneath the surface on a subconscious level. Many aren’t even aware of what they are feeling, much less what others are feeling. So if we speak one thing but we are feeling another, we set up a confusion called ‘cognitive dissonance’. The same can be true when others speak to us as you said with the ladybugs. This creates more division and confusion within ourselves which in turn creates a feeling that we are living in separate worlds. We feel cut off from others. However, when we still our bodies and minds as we did in meditation, our conscious awareness and vibrations synchronize and our walls come down. Then we can resonate on the same vibrational frequency. We begin to feel as if we have combined our worlds into one world.”
“Even though you told me I would understand you better after we meditated, I didn't really understand how that would happen. But now, I am in awe that I am comprehending all of this information. In fact, it feels like you are downloading it all straight into my brain. Remember my good friend Bernadine the Goodger I mentioned earlier? Well she spoke of cognitive dissonance too. She told me when we think of one thing but feel another it can set up confusion. During these times it is best to go with our gut. For it never lies. I learned so much from her about the importance of looking beneath the surface of things.”
“That’s another reason I like your friend, Bernadine, the Goodger, she definitely sounds like a very intuitive being. I agree with her. Looks can be deceiving. Sometimes we go with the surface of appearances but oftentimes it can lead us into trouble. Thank you for sharing this story with me.”
“I do love to share my stories and Bernadine was a great teacher about diving deeper below the surface of things.”
“And I love hearing them, Charlie. That’s how we all learn new things. It’s an exchange of energy. Let’s stop for a moment and feel the shared space we are participating in for this communication. Notice how it feels alive and thrives with both of our energy exchanges?”
“Wow yes I can definitely feel it. It’s like it is alive within itself! I mean it feels like it's separate from us but really more like it expanding between us.”
“Very good. Yes it is a combination and collection of energies for sure. Now If the shared space is full of love we feel more love surrounding us and we feel safe to expand our hearts more, but it must also be said, if this shared space is full of frustrations, we may both feel more frustrated because of our repelling energies. It all has to do with the energy we bring to the connection and our intention when we join our vibrations. This is why we can feel more love and energized when around certain beings while other times we may feel lower and depleted around others. We are all very powerful. We can lift others up or pull them down and they can lift us or pull us down too. Whoever has the strongest vibration creates the strongest magnetic field in this shared space. Of course if we fall into another’s state of energy that we don’t intend to experience we can shift ourselves back out of it by becoming more aware. Through deep conscious breaths we can return to our own energy field and also raise our awareness so we can make more conscious thoughts and choices. However, I will add that sometimes we simply aren’t aware why we are feeling different. At times we may be pulling into the other individual’s vibrations so we can relearn something from a different perspective. By experiencing someone else's energy field we can understand things that we couldn’t have without experiencing their energies. Every experience teaches us something about ourselves and our environment. We are all teachers and we are all students who are constantly learning different things from each other.“
“That surely makes sense. I mean we really aren't as far off from each other as we might think, are we?”
“That’s true, Charlie, when we attract someone in our auras or energy fields there is a common bond of energy that needs to be exchanged on some level. That’s why we attracted each other in the first place. It is what I call a synergy-energy exchange. Sometimes we may be triggering each other emotionally, mentalliy, spiritually or even physically because we don’t quite feel balanced enough in our own energy fields. We may not be aware of what is happening over the loud mental chattering or loud blocked emotions that are trying to flow through our body. All of this affects the shared space that exists between us. But deep down we are all tapping into parts of ourselves that we have forgotten or suppressed. That’s why we have each other to help us remember.”
“Wow… that’s intense. I have to ask, what is our aura?
“Our aura is the luminous spiritual field that surrounds our physical body. Everything that is alive has an aura. Although we might not be able to see them with our eyes, we can feel them. It’s the first thing we come in contact with when we meet a new being. We can feel the individual’s vibration before they utter a sound.”
‘That’s so cool! You mean I had one and never even knew it?”
“Ha! Ha! That’s right. Now to go a little further I must explain that auras have different layers. Each is like a body within the body. The first is the etheric body which is closest to our physical body and it’s the easiest to see and feel. It represents our physical health, our survival, and our immune system.”
‘Whoaaaa! Do they have colors? I was just sensing colors.”
“Very intuitive Charlie. Yes, each one has a color. The etheric pulsates with a red hue.”
“Wow, so I have a red etheric body but I can’t see it. Can you see it?”
“Yes but don’t worry, it takes practice. Also it isn’t necessary to be able to see everything to believe in it. You can feel it, sense or just know it in your gut.”
“Oh wow. I can feel it. I mean it makes sense to some parts of me.”
‘Yes, when we resonate with information we just seem to remember it. We all have the knowledge within. This is a good time to say, everything I speak about is not “the truth” for I am just one in the infinite. But I am also one with the infinite and so are you. Everything I speak to you about, you already have access to. Or rather you actually know within. You may have temporarily disconnected from it. When that happens we will just attract what we want to experience with our senses and experience in this illusionary world of separation. After all that’s a large part of why we came to this 3D experience. Now let me just say, whatever you resonate with, you will probably allow it to stay with you. Whatever you disagree with or don’t choose to experience, you can let go. Everything is flowing. No need to grasp it. Just let it all flow whatever it wants to go.”
“Thanks. That feels beautiful and it makes me relax too. Sometimes new information can be intimidating. Knowing I can let it all flow…. Allows me to let all the anxiety go. Please, do go on. I am so excited to hear more. I know it is why we attracted each other.”
“Yes Charlie, I agree. We are both learning and both teaching. I will say, we teach what we most want to learn. So I am learning by teaching. Ok, next is our emotional body, it relates to our emotions and the boundaries we have with others and how we receive the emotions of others. It has an orange tint. Now the third is the mental body, which stores and runs our basic beliefs, intellect, thoughts, ideas, personal power and understanding. It’s the color of bright yellow, like the sun.”
‘And like meeeee! Oh sorry for interrupting. I just like to be included with the sun. Makes me feel bright, strong, important and big. Please pay no mind to me. I can often interrupt but I assure you I’m still a deep listener and learner.”
“No need to apologize. You're not interrupting at all. You’re interjecting and I always invite conversation. It lets me know you want to hear more and I get to learn about you and from you.”
‘Oh yes I definitely want to hear more. I absolutely love this! It's perfect timing too.”
‘‘Good to hear Charlie. I feel the same way. As I said, I often need to hear what I speak. Ha! Ha! And of course I like to learn from others as well. Ok well …moving forward we come to the astral body and it marks the layers between the physical, the golden heart and the spiritual. This is the layer of heart connection we have with our relationships with ourselves and others through our love energy. It connects our life force to this plane. It is the bright color of green, like this wonderful Lily pad.”
“And you. Don’t forget to add you. I love all your shades of green. And isn’t it fitting that you are the color of the heart and of love? I just love that. Oops there I go again. Oh that’s right I forgot. You said it was ok for me to interject. Do carry on.”
‘That’s right I’m definitely many shades of green. See Charlie you are already being more loving with yourself by not judging for interjecting. You’re a quick learner. Now the fifth is our conceptional body which was created at the moment we were conceived or born into this world. It holds our physical body on the spiritual plane. It is our basic template of our uniqueness which is stored in our DNA. It radiates the color blue like the sky. The sixth is our celestial body which is our emotional body on the spiritual plane. So it holds our group consciousness, our connection to All That Is and it is the rich color of indigo. The last but definitely not our least is our soul. This is the Divine within us. It is the mental layer of the spiritual body. This part of us never dies and it glows with the vibrant color violet. Through this layer we can receive direct information from all of our lives and All That Is. There is no separation in the soul.”
“Wow! That’s a lot of information. So we have more than one body? That’s crazy and I didn’t even know it. I mean I have felt people’s energies before I got to know them. Like my Friend Bernadine. Her sharp claws sent me into fright but really her energy was gentle so I was confused. Oh wow, excuse me but what’s that around your neck? It looks so cool!”
“This is called a pendulum. Lie down and I will show you what it can do. As you can see this crystal has a thread attached which allows the crystal to rock back and forth when I hold the string over you. I can use it to locate energy openings, which are called Chakras. Holding it over my chakras allows me to see how open my body is within this area. It allows me to see how open I am to the world around me. Just like our aura, our chakras can tell us a lot about what is going on within ourselves that we may not even be aware of.
“What are Chakras? I mean I heard you say they were energy openings. That sounds mystifying. Do they work together with auras? Can I hold the pendulum for a moment?”
“Yes, they work together. Sure you can hold it, then I will help you check your chakras. See this pendulum carries a potent vibration that can help check to see how the 7 chakras in your body are operating. When it swings clockwise in a circle it shows that you are open. If it swings up and down then you are closed to your spirit and if it swings side to side it means you’re closed to this world. If it stops then it shows that you are blocking energy in this area of your body. You will understand more as we do it. But first let me explain in simple terms, an aura is a field around your body that emits your energy outward. It speaks volumes but not with words, it speaks through energy which is constantly changing and overflowing. Just as I said about auras, you can’t see the chakras, but you can feel the energy. Whereas chakras are vibrating or spinning energy centers which have fixed locations, from the base of our bodies to the crown of the head. They don’t move outside of us. They are gateways that direct spiritual energy in our body depending on how open or closed we are to the spiritual inner self and our connection to All That Is. Both the auras and chakras work together and both contain color light vibrations like the prism light of a rainbow.”
‘Oh I love dearly rainbows. There is nothing as grand as viewing a rainbow after a storm. I mean it’s worth all the commotion and hullabaloo of a storm just to get to see and witness the rainbows. Why they light up my world. This is so interesting! All this time I had these miraculous things going on inside and didn’t even know it. I mean I have rainbows reflecting in me and glowing around me. This is insane. But in a very good and mysterious way. Please do not stop now.”
“Good to know you aren’t bored yet, Charlie. I’m glad it’s interesting to you. I agree rainbows are indeed beautiful gifts and celebrations after a transformational storm. We always seem to stop in our tracks when a rainbow appears.”
“I agree. It reminds us that life is magical. Time seems to stop and a giggle is born.”
‘Perfectly said Charlie. I feel a giggle coming on now. I will add it’s important to note that our energy can never be fully contained within our body so some of it flows outward and this creates our aura which moves outside of us and into the world. Just like giggles.”
‘And I dearly love to giggle. Why just hearing or saying the very word, makes me smile and giggle. I met Bernadine’s dear friend, Kooky, this hilarious Coyote. He kept me in stitches. I never giggled so much in all my life when I was around him. I dearly loved Kooky. I am also loving learning about chakras and auras. To think I had them all along and never even knew it. How weird and perfectly mystifying.”
‘Yes I dare say, you’re not alone. Many don't know about them. I will add that both auras and chakras affect each other according to how we live, think, feel and relate to ourselves and our environment at every moment. We are all creating this world through our energy fields and vibrations. If we want to help change or expand this world we must change our own energy. We are all responsible, not only what we say and do, but also for the energy we carry."
“I am beginning to see and understand so much more that I never even pondered. It makes so much sense though. This pendulum does carry a potent vibration. I can feel it’s power and energy as it interacts with my body. I can’t wait for you to check my chakras. Can you explain how chakras work as you check mine? I am most intrigued and would love to know even more.”
“Of course. As I said, the chakras open and close at different vibrational rates all the time based on our perceptions of our environment and our internal cycles of awareness.To explain it more easily, let me put it this way, these bodies aren’t really separate from us, in fact, we can look at them as layers within us. Just like the lovely lotus flower that we were sitting on earlier. There are many layers of petals and they each carry an unique vibrational tone that is different from the others yet they are not separate from the whole flower. They are layers upon layers of the same flower. It is the same with Chakras. There are different chakras vibrating with their own frequency and tone yet not separate from the whole vibrational and physical body. I will check each of your chakras and give you detailed information about each one as we move along.”
”I love how both the auras and chakras are each related to the colors of the rainbow. It makes it so easy to visualize them.”
“Yes I quite agree Charlie. The first chakra is located at the base which is called the root chakra. It is red like the first color of the rainbow. See how the pendulum is spinning around clockwise over your root, that shows you’re feeling open, secure, safe and grounded to the earth and to all around you. This chakra is also your connection to food and to self preservation. If you feel endangered you will activate your fight or flight response here. Grounding into the earth is important to maintain balance and security in your foundation.”
“Yes I do feel safe and relaxed. I feel very grounded to everything right now. I think I owe a lot of this to you. I mean your energy is definitely helping me to ground all this in.”
“Thanks. I think we are creating a potent field of synergy energy around us. Now the next is your sacral chakra which shows the state of your emotional energy. It’s orange and it is associated with our sensual pleasures, creative expression, our identity and intimate relationships as well as our independence. Yours is slowing down a little bit but still swirling. Try to visualize an orange glow around this area. You may be a little overwhelmed by the information you are receiving. There you go, it’s moving again.”
“Do you know what I visualized?”
‘Yep, it was these beautiful radiant orange, yellow and red Indian Paintbrush flowers I saw when I met Bernadine. They were so electrifying and recharging. They looked like they were on fire. I knew they would get this chakra moving. Ill tell you something funny, I also visualized these flowers dancing in the wind. I dearly love to dance.”
“Awesome choice Charlie because it did the trick. You have a great imagination and that’s very important when manifesting. I too love to dance and hop around. Moving is so freeing. It gets our mind moving forward too. In fact, let’s move upward to the Solar Plexus chakra or as it is sometimes known, the control chakra. It is here we need to let go and dancing can often help us free ourselves from feeling stuck. Feeling stuck happens when we want to control life. It’s in this yellow chakra where we learn to let go. Like you and the sun it’s all about shining and dancing with the light. This chakra is the core of our personality, our spark so to speak. If this is out of balance which yours is definitely not, you might get into arguments with others or have low self esteem.”
‘Ha! I have gotten into my share of fights before but each one has taught me that fighting isn't the best way to solve things. There’s a doozie story about a cat and dog I met but it’s a bit long for now. Believe it or not, I have to admit I’m more interested in what you’re sharing right now than I am in talking. Please carry onward.”
“Ok we’ll move on to your heart and the color green. I can easily see that yours is wide open. This is the area where we feel vulnerable, compassionate, forgiving, accepting and trusting. Maybe all the green leaves you eat helps you to maintain an open heart center. Ha!”
“Yes, now that’s funny. Boy, do I ever eat a lot of green leaves. But you know I fall in and out of this state of being quite often. Right now I guess you can say, I feel the most accepted than I’ve probably ever felt. I have never felt more relaxed and trusting when just meeting someone new. That’s a compliment but it is so very true too.”
“Why thank you Charlie. and it’s a gracious compliment to receive. Which leads us right to the throat chakra. It is the color blue. Let’s see how your throat is communicating. Hmmm I’m not surprised, yours is quite open here too. It is moving very quickly though. Maybe you are feeling a bit nervous. This is where sound waves are given and received throughout the body. It is located between the head and the heart. When we feel safe we are able to authentically, compassionately and lovingly communicate with others. We can listen and speak with ease and without interrupting. I will say that you are doing quite well in this department because you have been listening all day and articulating your needs.”
“I am a little anxious though but I’m trying very hard not to interrupt while still being gentle with myself.”
“Very good. Well don’t put too much pressure or resistance around the thought of interrupting. It can make you feel anxious and a bit out of the flow. You might cause tension in the body from trying to control your voice. When you need to speak you will. Remember to let go to the flow of life. Now your third eye is the color of indigo and it is located in the middle of your eyes. It is your intuition, imagination, wisdom, vision, and foresight. It also helps us to understand our mystical place in the Cosmos. And yes pun was intended. Ha ha!! Anyway, I think our meditation may have helped you here. It is swinging steadily. Now the last chakra is the crown which is located at the top of your head and it carries a purple color vibration. It is the subtlest and most ethereal. It looks like a glowing radiant halo around your head. It is our connection to mindfulness, empathy, clarity, bliss, transcendence, and Divine awareness. How do you feel now?”
“Well I feel small and insignificant compared to the Cosmos. Ha ha!! Yet I feel mysteriously wonderful and important at the same time. I feel like I am just wandering through life with no direction yet it also feels like it all has a purpose. I’m just not sure what it is and that’s the part I don’t always enjoy. Ha ha! I guess you can say, I’m a mixture of dichotomy.”
“I understand Charlie, we are all a mixture of many things. And jokes aside, I too think size can be rather scary sometimes. Afterall, I too am smaller than many creatures of this world. But you know size isn’t what’s important. It’s our presence and connection within and then with the world. We can learn a lot about ourselves through the eyes of others as we journey along our path. Yet part of life is to learn to let go of knowing each step and trusting the inner guidance. True safety and guidance comes from within. We can be small in size but feel mighty and big within. But I will say when we feel out of balance we can slow things down through meditation, deep breaths and presence to strengthen our ability to hear our internal guidance. Then we can heal the areas that have been wounded so we can create new pathways and feel safe again. Size only matters when we believe it does.”
“Yes, often I don’t trust myself to know the way. I used to trust everyone else and now I am becoming more cautious. Not just because I realize that others might be dangerous but also that I might do something to hurt others and not know it. One of my biggest lessons in life seems to be how to get along with others. Part of my education has come from learning to listen and other parts have come from teaching. You said we teach what we most need to learn and I’ve heard that before. My friend Bernadine said when we teach, we have to learn to walk our talk more regularly because our students are watching our every move. My first students were the cat and dog friends I mentioned earlier. Yin is the female cat and Yang is the masculine dog. They actually taught me more than I think I taught them. I do love to talk because I am often alone on my journey. So when I get the opportunity to talk I will. I wasted no time talking with them. In fact, I talked myself right into a mess. But I learned a lot too. I think we all did.”
“Ahhh, yes, Charlie I understand, I can feel alone as well. Although ultimately we are never truly alone, we just feel disconnected within sometimes. In those moments of disconnection, we can often have issues in getting along with others from time to time. I am sure you all learned many things because we each pull the other into our vortex to learn things from different perspectives. And I think we can agree that cleaning up our messes can teach us more than the chaos they ensue. Let’s take a deep breath in and out and as we do, let's feel our energy going down our body and through our feet. Now visualize this energy going all the way through the tree’s roots and into the core of Earth. We can take a few moments to be still. Ahhh, doesn’t that feel good?”
“Yes! I feel much more grounded inside of myself. I think I am far too hard on myself at times. Wow, where did that thought come from? I wasn’t even aware of it.”
“Well you weren't conscious of it so it wanted to be heard. Yes, we can all be hard on ourselves sometimes. It’s about learning balance within. I find the more gentle we are with ourselves, the more gentle we will be with others. It seems that Bernadine has taught you well and I am sure you taught Yin and Yang quite a lot too. I definitely agree that we teach what we most want or need to learn on a deeper level. Charlie, what do you think about auras, chakras and the benefits of meditation now?”
“Well off the top of my head, I would say, all of my life’s experiences are helping me to grow, learn, expand and heal within. I feel more connected and grounded to my body, my life and the world since I’ve learned about all these wonders of auras and chakras that are a part of me. When I first woke up to my life, many moons ago, I met these earthworms and they taught me a lot about our roots and our connection to the earth. So I guess I can say, I am cycling around to my beginning and I think that is healing. These earthworms taught me that the very earth below our feet is filled with wonders that we can’t see. I think in a way they were trying to tell me that I am the same. I mean, there’s so many wonders within me that I had no idea were there.”
“Yes, earthworms are such good teachers, you are one of the lucky few to have met them.”
"Yes, I agree. They are some of the most mysterious and quite the balanced creatures, for they have both, the feminine and masculine organs within. I learn a lot from them. Knowing what I know about chakras now, I will have to say one of my favorite things that I learned from them was that the sacral chakra teaches me to allow myself to be more spontaneous and creative. I love to make up songs and do wiggly dances like the worms, especially when I feel lonely. I guess after our meditation I realized the earthworms taught me that the polarity of opposites such as the feminine and masculine sides of life are really joined into a whole. Yet Yin and Yang taught me more about the polarity of these two sides and how they work together or repel depending on our state of awareness within.”
“Yes, that’s true Charlie, one of the greatest mysteries of life is being in the state of oneness and being in the state of separation, for both coexist in the state of now.”
“I also learned, at times we might fight or flight within ourselves and others but eventually we will come back and see that both of us are trying to express different sides or points of views of the same thing. Sometimes we just need to listen more deeply to those gut feelings that make us stop and listen. My gut taught me to let go and witness things instead of feeling like I need to control them or be afraid of others controlling me. The more I let go, the more I trust and allow the flow. I used to worry that I didn’t know my purpose. Today’s meditation has taught me to stay present and let go of judging. I can’t tell you how often I have felt like people ignored or rejected me. I guess I shut some of this chakra down to protect myself. I’ll also add, I’m learning that there’s a whole lot more going on within my little body that I never knew. It is a very busy place as is this world I live in. Busy, busy, busy, yet it can also have a stillness within it. It’s all about returning to presence, patience and practice when we feel things are getting too busy.”
“You’re so right. Awareness is key. Now any time you feel yourself shutting down in any of these energy centers you can open them up again just by visualizing the color that relates to each chakra or aura while allowing it to open wider like this lotus flower’s petals. We can stop here and take a break. Maybe this is even a good time to take a little nap. I find that brief moments of sleep can be wonderful opportunities to connect to higher chakras and higher spiritual realms so I can assimilate all the information I have received.”
“A nap sure does sound like a great idea right about now. This wonderful shady and mighty tree is already lulling me to sleep. But before I drift I have to say, your teachings have taught me to open up to gratitude and joy. This is the greatest gift I could have ever been given, Cosmos! I’m truly blessed to have met you as a treasured friend. I am grateful to this tree too for the shade and the grounding safety it has provided us. I know now that we will be always together, yet also apart but never separated In the soul or the heart. Thank for being my friend.”
“You are most welcome, Charlie. Gifts come in many ways and you have given me a great gift too. You have given me the gift of true friendship. It’s one of the best gifts this world has to offer when it is given with a genuine heart because that’s when each gives and receives in harmony.”
‘Well that’s insane. I forgot that I’ve already learned all of the things you shared. This is crazy.”
“Not crazy really. Everything we speak about you’ve already experienced. It’s all in the re-membering. That’s what this life review is all about.”
“I guess I keep forgetting that too. Ha ha!! That’s so funny!’
“Yes, life is often funny. We just forget sometimes to see things from that angle. So you learned a lot. Do you see anything else?”
“Yes I am re-remembering that the story doesn’t stop here. But I can’t quite bring the focus in.”
‘Just remember what you need to do to improve your memory.”
“Well that feels a bit absurd. Remember what to do when you forgot. Ha! But actually I do. Deep breaths.
“See, it's not so absurd. It can become a habit to remember what you forget. Okay seems like you’ve got it.”
“Yep, it’s all coming back in. I can see it now and it’s all about the wise tree. Oh goody. That sweet old wise tree taught me so much I thought I’d forgotten. I am beginning to see how this life review can actually be almost as exciting as it was when I first lived it. In many ways, it really helps me to understand things I didn’t before.”
‘Yes there are lots of gifts we can receive from a life review. Well off you go and have fun.”
Chapter 4
Harmony, “The Wise Old Tree”
“Sometimes we have to
Look beyond reason
And allow things to unfold
In their own season.”